Jaye Luk is a professional drummer and percussionist involved in a wide range of musical projects, including the Saskatoon Brass Band, Saskatoon’s Brazilian drum group Sambatoon, his own hardcore projects A Ghost In Drag, Macrodoser, and Arson Cult, country act Aces Wyld, and various studio projects. Jaye also is active in the Saskatoon musical community, performing in productions, most recently Sparrow Theatre’s 2023 production “Heather.” Outsider his many musical projects, Jaye is active in educating the youth in the fine art of rocking out, teaching drums and marimba out of his private lessons, percussion clinics and at Saskatchewan’s Band Association’s Band Camp.
Jaye’s students are active participants in Saskatoon’s youth community music programs such as the Saskatoon Youth Jazz Orchestra, YXE winds, and Saskatoon Brass Band, with some continuing to pursue secondary education in music at MacEwan University, Humber Collegiate, and Berklee College of Music.
Jaye teaches in-person lessons at his studio in the Wildwood neighbourhood in Saskatoon, SK and online. 

Jaye老师是一位职业鼓手及打击乐手。 他所参与的音乐项目众多,包括萨斯卡通铜管乐队、萨斯卡通巴西鼓乐组合Sambatoon、Jaye自组的几支硬核乐队A Ghost In Drag、Macrodoser和Arson Cult、乡村音乐组合Aces Wyld,以及其他录音工作。  Jaye也是萨斯卡通音乐剧群体内的活跃成员,参与制作及演出,包括最近Sparrow剧场于2023年的制作《Heather》。 除了个人音乐发展外,Jaye同时热衷于青少年的摇滚音乐艺术教育,于私人课堂、打击乐工作坊及萨省乐团协会的音乐夏令营中教授架子鼓及木琴演奏技巧。
Jaye 老师的教室是位于萨斯卡通Wildwood区。

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